Restore ZFS pool from snapshot, turn single disk vdev into mirror

Just a few days ago I was turning my single disk ZFS pools into mirrors. By mistake I created a top-level vdev, so I had to-recreate the pool. In this post I’ll cover how to restore the data from a snapshot and how to create a mirror from single disk.

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Paperless-ngx with S3 using rclone

It’s easier for me to access all my data with some sort of a central storage – for this purpose I decided to use S3 a long time ago. Some cool tools I use do not have native s3 support (yet) but rclone helps with that. In this article I’ll show you how to use the docker volume plugin with a minio s3 storage configured in docker-compose.yml for use with paperless-ngx.

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Nextcloud with S3 using rclone

I had trouble with Nextcloud’s own implementation (external storage s3) as it would corrupt some of my photos on auto upload using the Android Nextcloud Client. This did not happen with s3fs, goofys, rclone and also did not happen without s3. Disabling chunking, tuning timeouts, nothing really helped. After testing with goofys, s3fs and rclone I decided to use rclone. Here’s how I did…

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Encrypting existing volumes in ZFS using zfs send and zfs recv

Let’s say you want to encrypt your previously not encrypted data – in my example a ZFS pool. A good way to do so is to simply use zfs send and zfs receive. These commands can be used to transfer ZFS data streams. The procedure is pretty simple. Create a snapshot, transfer this snapshot using zfs send and receive it using zfs receive.

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Encryption of ZFS volumes using a remote / external key-system written in PHP

I thought a long time about what security benefits I have if I store the encryption key of a volume on the same system (locally). Let me share some of these thoughts with you. Then I’ll show you my approach using a self-written key-system in PHP (using RedBeanPHP and Sqlite) and finally I’ll show you how to use this with ZFS.

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